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Ministry of Health subsidies

Last updated: 06 March 2025
  1. Assistance entitlements
  2. Breast prosthesis and bras
  3. Knitted knockers
  4. Wigs and hairpieces
  5. National travel assistance
Assistance entitlements

Key points

Assistance entitlements

Patients diagnosed with breast cancer may be entitled to financial assistance from the Ministry of Health for:

  • breast prosthesis and bras
  • wigs
  • travel to appointments.

It’s recommended that health professionals read the criteria for the subsidy relevant to their patients, before helping patients through the application process.

Breast prosthesis and bras

The Ministry of Health offers a subsidy for a prosthesis and other related products (e.g. pocketed mastectomy bras and swimwear) after surgery for breast cancer.

Read more about the Ministry of Health’s prosthesis and bra subsidy here.

Read the breast prosthesis service payment fact sheet here.

Where can patients use their subsidy?

Breast Care Products NZ and Naturalwear are national providers. Patients can find providers in their area or region by heading to the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ Services Directory.

Knitted knockers

Knitted breast forms may suit women who prefer a lightweight prosthesis. The breast forms are knitted by a volunteer organisation and distributed free of charge to women around New Zealand.

Wigs and hairpieces

The Ministry of Health offers a subsidy for people with temporary hair loss as a result of breast cancer treatment.

Read more about the Ministry of Health’s wigs and hairpieces subsidy here.

Read the wigs and hairpieces service payment fact sheet here.

Where can patients use their subsidy?

Patients can claim their subsidy though providers who are registered with the Ministry of Health. These providers can claim the subsidy on patients’ behalf, or patients can submit the paperwork themselves.

The subsidy is available to cover the cost of the following items:

  • Wigs or hairpieces
  • Headwear (e.g. hats, turbans)
  • Eyebrow wigs and associated products.

National travel assistance

If a patient needs to travel long distances, or travels frequently for their specialist breast cancer appointments, they may be eligible for help with expenses under the National Travel Assistance Scheme. These expenses may include travel, accommodation and costs for a support person.

Read more about the Ministry of Health’s National Travel Assistance here.

See the eligibility criteria for travel assistance here.

The National Travel Assistance Registration Form needs to be completed by the patient’s specialist.

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