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Screen 70+

Last updated: 24 February 2025
  1. Screening for women 70+
  2. Criteria for free screening after 70
Screening for women 70+

Key points

  • Women aged 70-74 are not eleible for free mammograms through BreastScreen Aotearoa, but should consider continuing screening mammograms.
  • Women aged 75+ should discuss with their doctor about the benefits of continued surveillance.
  • Mammograms remain free for eligible women aged 70+ (e.g. high-risk patients).

Screening for women 70+

Currently, BreastScreen Aotearoa doesn’t offer free mammograms for women over 70. However, a woman’s risk of breast cancer continues to increase as she ages, so women over 70 should consider continuing with screening mammograms. They will have to pay for these at a private clinic.

Many breast cancers detected in the 70-74 age group are growing more slowly, but detecting these cancers early brings significant benefits, such as less invasive treatment and lower mortality.

The merits of continuing with breast screening until patients are 74 should be discussed. The Breast Cancer Foundation NZ decision aid can be used as a tool in these discussions. From 75 onwards, discuss the benefits of continued surveillance with patient, especially if they have other serious health conditions.

Criteria for free screening after 70

Women over 70 are eligible for free screening if they have one or more of the following:

  • A mother or sister who developed breast cancer before menopause or developed cancer in both breasts;
  • A previous breast cancer;
  • A previous biopsy of breast tissue showing an ‘at-risk lesion’.

These mammograms are not part of the BreastScreen Aotearoa programme. Instead, clinicans must refer their patients for free mammograms at a public hospital.


  • Ip E, Cohen-Hallaleh R, Ng A. Extending Screening in “Elderly” Patients: Should We Consider a Selective Approach? Clinical Breast Cancer. 2020;5:377-381. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2020.03.009.
  • Moser K, Sellars S, Wheaton M, Cooke J, Duncan A, Maxwell A, Michell M, Wilson M, Beral V, Peto R, Richards M, Patnick J. Extending the age range for breast screening in England: pilot study to assess the feasibility and acceptability of randomization. J Med Screen. 2011;18(2):96-102. doi: 10.1258/jms.2011.011065. Journal

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